Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty

Thought I would share this quick and simple bragbook page that I put together today of one of my cats, Morgan. He was laying in one of my flowerbeds and looked quite content when I snapped the photo. :-)

To make this page I used Oh Happy Day kit from Green Elephant Designs.

Spring Paper Freebie

Good Evening Everyone-

I thought I would toss things up a little today and offer some papers that I put together as a freebie. They are pastel patterns and I plan on using them to scrap my Easter pages. Make sure to check back another day, as I will be giving away the solid papers that match.


Download here.

By the way, if you have time, please leave me some feedback if you grab the freebie and like it. I always like to hear what you think of my stuff. :-)

Monday, March 30, 2009

More Easter Wordart

I have been working like crazy and have created some more Easter wordart for everyone. Keep watching my blog, as I will try to post a freebie daily.


Download here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wordart Freebie

Here is a little wordart freebie that I put together for you all. Hope it will go well with some of those Easter pages you will soon be creating. Have a good night!


Download it here.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Enchanted Studios Scraps LOTD

My Mommy's Lil' Monster page won Enchanted Studio Scraps Layout of the Day on March 27th. To make this page I used SuzyQ Scraps Mommy's Lil' Monster Kit.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another LOTD!

I can hardly believe it. I received another Layout of the Day, this time from Designs in Digital. Wow, two LOTD's in one day? Hopefully, I don't look too conceited bragging on myself, but I guess that is what a blog is kind of for, or at least it seems that way. Right? LOL

Dorothy tells why she picked my layout as LOTD,"Here's my pick for Layout of the Day for Thursday March 26th. It's a terrific LO by krcurten called Spring. I just loved how the photos were laid out on this one. I love the colour blocking look and she's done it perfectly. It just has the basic of elements but the real focus is on the photos...where it belongs. She used the gorgeous kit Oh Happy Day by Green Elephant Designs as well. Great job all around!"

Thanks Dorothy. That has always been my primary focus since I started scrapbooking over 10 years ago. I always want my photos to be the primary focus of my pages. That may seem like a silly statement, but sometimes there is so much stuff added to pages that the photos are lost. Anyway, thanks for the award. It is always wonderful when you get recognized for something that you love to do!

Here is the link to Designs In Digital.

And once again I used Oh Happy Day by Green Elephant Designs for this award winning layout. :-)

LOTD Award Again!

Woohoo! I won the Layout of the Day Award again at Just Digi Layouts. How awesome is that?

Here is the layout that won.

To make this page I used Oh Happy Day kit from Green Elephant Designs. Here is the link to the kit at Designs in Digital.

Here are a couple more pages that I made today using the same kit.

You Are My Sunshine

Sometimes I am in the mood to use some quick pages. I found this whole brag book available as a freebie and it worked perfectly for all those summer pictures I took last year of Logan in his pool or running in the sprinkler. You can go over the Traci Reed's team blog to download it, The Hawt Mamas used Traci's kit Walkin On Sunshine to make a 12 page brag book freeie. Here is the link.

Grandma Cutout Page Freebie

Have another word cutout page freebie. I added my grandma's name to my page. It would also look good with a poem or other saying on it. You can download it here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh Happy Day Kit

I have been playing around with this new kit I got called Oh Happy Day, here are some of the pages I have put together so far. Remember you can click on the images to enlarge them and read the journaling.

Credits: Oh Happy Day kit from Green Elephant Designs by Nicolina; http://www.greenelephantdesigns.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Playtime!

Luckily warm weather is finally here. After a long winter of being stuck in the house, Logan is finally able to enjoy the outside. I found some foam planes at the dollar store and picked up a couple. He had the best time throwing that plane in the air. It was the best dollar I ever spent!

For these pages I used 4 the BoyZ - Playtime Created by Royanna Lea Fritschmann

Another Freebie!

I have had a really good response to the text cutout quickpages that I offered. Here is another one titled "My Girl" which I used a photo of my brother's dog Toby with. Just shows that it doesn't have to be a human girl, right? Hope you enjoy this page as well, and don't forget you can always add journaling or elements to the page too. I can't promise anything, but if anyone has any name or title requests for one of these pages I will try to prepare them and offer them as a freebie too. Just post a comment requesting it.

Download the quickpage, preview, & my TOU here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Got LOTD (Layout of the Day)!!!

I am so excited...my page Future Star won March 20th Layout of the Day at Just Digi Layouts. You can find the site here http://www.justdigilayouts.com/.

For this page I used Friends for Good by Plum Dumpling Designs. http://plumdumplingdesigns.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thank God I'm A Country Boy

Logan loves to go to the youth fair each year. His favorite thing is being able to go and climb around on the John Deere tractors.

Credits: Ribbon, Tractor & Mat by Scripity Scrap Designs from the Backyard Playground Collab Kit

A Strange Brew

I got this really cool kit called Mad Scientist and I was trying to figure out what type of photos would go good with it. Then I remembered that I had some photos of my husband, brother, and another friend brewing their own beer back in college. It was definitely "experimental" to say the least. And boy, did they make a mess!

Mad Scientist kit by Suzy Iverson, a.k.a. SuzyQ Scraps. http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/

My Boy is Two-rific

I made these pages using SuzyQ Scraps wonderful kit Mommy's Lil' Monster. http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/

Born To Ride

All of my brother-in-laws have motorcycles. Of course Logan thinks they are just the coolest and his Uncle Ron let him "ride" one of them.

For these two pages I used Oscraps Collab Kit called OBoy.

100% Spoiled

I've been scrapping so many pages of Logan lately that I thought my little poodle, Pepe, may be feeling left out. Here you go Pepe, hope you enjoy them. LOL

For these two bragbook pages I used the Felty Dog & Cat Kits by Chris M Stone, a.k.a. Calico Designs.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Future Star

Today has been a "scrapping" good day. It's nice when you get a chance to sit down and do something you truly enjoy, isn't it?

For this page I used Friends for Good by Plum Dumpling Designs. http://plumdumplingdesigns.blogspot.com

Drum Superstar QP & Freebie

I did another cutout page. This time it is of my son playing drums on the Rock Band game. This page would be great for anybody that has fans of the Rock Band or Guitar Hero games. Here is a link to the freebie. This is the first time I am using 4-Shared, so let me know if you have any trouble downloading it. As always, comments are appreciated.

My Lil' Monster

Lil' Monster & Mommy's Lil' Monster pages made using SuzyQ Scraps Mommy's Lil' Monster Kit. For the Lil' Monster page I also used a freebie template from SuzyQ Scraps by ELLIE80. You can find them at http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/ and www.enchantedstudioscraps.com.

Prepare for Landing page made using Little Flyer Kit by Scrappy Signatures.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Newly Decorated Blog

Hi everyone!

Today I worked on getting my blog design put together. I think it turned out pretty good. Thanks to Mel Hains for letting me use her kit to "decorate" my blog. Here is the link to her blog if you want to check it out http://melslightbulbmoments.blogspot.com/.

I was messing around with GIMP and made this page of my son. Figured I would share it with everyone. My First Freebie! Click the link below to download the QP. Please leave comments if you like the quickpage.

Take care,

Download here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Lil' Leprechaun

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

Font used is Crazy Girlz Blonde BTN.
Template used is by MandaKDesigns by MandaK http://mrsmooshka.blogspot.com.
Elements & Papers are from Maurice Kit by Gettin'Scrappy with Britt http://gettinscrappywithbritt.com and Digi-Designs by Nicole http://digi-designs.blogspot.com.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dinosaurs Love The Snow

I got to make some bragbook pages today! Hip Hip Hooray! Got some really cool kits made by SuzyQ Scraps that fit really good with some photos that I have. Can't wait to make some more...thanks for checking out my blog and my pages!

To make this bragbook pages I used Dino-RAWR! kit by Suzy Iverson, aka SuzyQ Scraps. Her team blog is http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/ and the kit can be found at www.enchantedstudioscraps.com.

Nuclear Power

Page made using Mad Scientist Kit by Suzy Iverson, aka SuzyQ Scraps http://suzyqscraps.blogspot.com/.
I also used a template by Charmaine, aka Wyld Web Designs http://wyldwebdesigns.com/wordpress/.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Smile, It's Our Birthday!

Last month when my parents visited from Missouri, we had a joint birthday celebration for my dad and I. It was a fun time and Logan loved it. He thinks every birthday party is for him and he always has to help blow out the candles and unwrap the presents.

Sweet Digi Scraps "Your Smile" Kit (A Pixel Club Exclusive Kit at www.gottapixel.net)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Farm Livin' Is The Life For Me!

Finally got a chance today to scrap a couple pages. Logan has been keeping me pretty busy and only wants me to mess on the computer if it is playing a game with him. Luckily he decided to take a nap this afternoon, so gave me a little time to put these together. Hooray!
I made these pages using papers and elements from Oink Cluck Moo by Kristin Aagard available at www.gottapixel.net, www.oscraps.com and/or www.digidelights.blogspot.com