"I came to dig, dig, dig, dig. I'll build city that's so big, big, big, big..." If you are a fan or know a fan of mining games, you will love my newest collab with Scrappin' Serenity. We have houses full of Minecraft fans, so we decided to put our heads together and come up with a mining game inspired kit. The kit and quick page set our 50% off for the first week, so what are you waiting for? Click the preview below to go check it out and make sure to grab the freebies below!
And of course we put together a fabulous pack of quick pages for those that are quick page addicts like me. ;)
Christie has a matching set of cardstocks available in her store, click the link below if you are interested in grabbing them.
Here is a layout I created of my son Logan wearing his favorite Minecraft t-shirt.
Here are some fabulous layouts and hybrid projects from my Creative Team. As you can see, the kit is very versatile and can be used for many types of layouts, it isn't limited to Minecraft themes only.
Freebies by my Creative Team Members.
Here is a freebie for you that my CT Manager Dannethia put together. Click on the preview below to go download.