Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mine It Digital Scrapbooking Kit with Scrappin' Serenity

"I came to dig, dig, dig, dig. I'll build city that's so big, big, big, big..."  If you are a fan or know a fan of mining games, you will love my newest collab with  Scrappin' Serenity.  We have houses full of Minecraft fans, so we decided to put our heads together and come up with a mining game inspired kit.  The kit and quick page set our 50% off for the first week, so what are you waiting for?  Click the preview below to go check it out and make sure to grab the freebies below! 
And of course we put together a fabulous pack of quick pages for those that are quick page addicts like me.  ;)
Christie has a matching set of cardstocks available in her store, click the link below if you are interested in grabbing them.
Here is a layout I created of my son Logan wearing his favorite Minecraft t-shirt.
Here are some fabulous layouts and hybrid projects from my Creative Team.  As you can see, the kit is very versatile and can be used for many types of layouts, it isn't limited to Minecraft themes only. 
Freebies by my Creative Team Members.
Here is a freebie for you that my CT Manager Dannethia put together.  Click on the preview below to go download.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Big Bang Collab by JMC Designs, Mommy Me Time Scrapper & The Scrappy Kat

Kaboom! Get ready to scrap all your science experiments and adventures!  The Scrappy Kat, Mommy Me Time Scrapper, and JMC Designs have came together to create this mega kit for all you science lovers out there.  The Big Bang is perfect for scrapping those straight A report cards, a science project, and much more! The Big Bang will be on sale for the first week at Scraps N Pieces for 50% off. Product previews are linked to the store for easy shopping.

Check out what some of the CT ladies have created with The Big Bang

Several of the team members have coordinating freebies for you.
Freebie previews are linked to each members blog for downloading.
Please remember that the ladies are on different time zones and all have busy lives.
Therefore, if some of the freebies aren't available when you visit please be patient and revisit later.

Jennifer (has 2 freebies)


Joyce has created a blog freebie for Mommy Me Time Scrapper.
Preview is linked for direct downloading.

   Be sure to swing by The Scrappy Kat's blog to snag her freebie. Preview is linked to her blog for your convenience.
JMC Designs team may have some freebies for you too.
You can find JMC Designs blog here.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wanna support the Cub Scouts & my son Logan?

Hi digiscrappers!  Just wanted to stop in and say hi and make sure to let you know that I have some majorly big things coming soon for you all!  I've got 2 great collab kits that will both be coming out on or before DSD on November 2nd.  And there will be lots of sales and events going on at my store as well.

I wanted to take the time to let you know that my son Logan has joined the Cub Scouts this year.  As part of the Scouts, they sell popcorn to pay for their activities.  If you are interested in helping out Logan and his Cub Scout Pack, go here and place and order:

Make sure you use the link above when you order, so Logan and his Cub Scout Pack gets credit for the sale. All on-line sales will be directly shipped to you and if you have an account, you can just pay using it even, so you don't even have to sign-up for an account or enter your address when you order. It makes it super easy!!!

All sales need to be turned in tomorrow night, Monday, so make sure to order soon and feel free to share this if any of your friends may be interested in supporting the Scouts! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Are you ready to "Dive into School" with Mommy Me Time Scrapper & The Scrappy Kat at my Grand Opening at Scraps N Pieces?

Tammy and I have decided to keep expanding our Dive into Collection by adding our newest collab, Dive into School.  Summer fun is over and back to school we go!  Whether you are homeschooling your kids or dressing them up for their very first day or they are simply heading back to their classes after the summer, Dive into School is just what you need to scrap all those memorable days!  This huge collab kit is packed with fun colors of both pattern and solid papers and a wide range of school themed elements.  If you are a fan of our Dive into Collection, we will be releasing a redux of our Dive into Fall soon, as well as, releasing Dive into Thanksgiving next month!

I'd like to also officially announce the Grand Opening of my store at Scraps N Pieces.  I'm super excited to start out on this new design journey.  Not only am I happy to be reunited with designers I have worked alongside in the past, but I really look forward to getting to know several new designers and forum members.  

As part of my store grand opening, my entire store is 50% off for the first 2 weeks.  That means that Dive into School isn't the usual new release sale price of 40% off, it is 50% off for 2 whole weeks!  Also, please note that I don't have all my products added to my store yet.  There is so much work to be done when opening at a new store, so just give me some patience and keep checking back in my store over the next couple of weeks, as I'll be adding more product each day!  

Hope you like my newest kit and make sure to grab the freebie at the bottom of this post, it was created by Joyce, my fabulous freebie creator!  Thanks Joyce!

Here are some fabulous layouts created by my creative team members!  If you like them and find them inspirational, why not stop by my designer gallery and leave them a comment.

Click the preview below to download my freebie.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Speed Scrap at SNP

Marina of Magical Scraps Galore is hosting a Speed Scrap tomorrow, October 3rd, at SNP. Come join her for some fun!
Participation Prize is a $4 coupon to her store!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Last Stuff to Scrap Road Trip & New Beginnings!

Hi all, it is time to say good-bye to Stuff to Scrap and hello to new beginnings.  That's right, this is the last STS Road Trip, as STS closed its doors last night.  :(  However, when one door closes, another opens.  I will be opening my store at Scraps N Pieces and although I hope to slowly getting product added to my store this week, I plan on celebrating my grand opening next Monday with a new kit release, so make sure and come back here on Monday for a freebie and to find out all the details on my new store!  Happy Scrapping!!!

(click the preview below to download my mini)

Here are all the stops along the way!

Jiovanna's Creations

Shuckclod's Stuff


LyllahRaven Designs


Scraps by Andrea

Desert Digi-Scrap

Arizona Girl

Scrappin Serenity

Cajun Diva Scraps

Scraps by Jessica art-design

2CurlyHeadedMonster Designs

WinksArt Graphics

Note-able Scraps

AK Designs


Studio Linda Renee

Shel Belle Scraps

Crescent Moon Designs

JMC Designs

The Scrappy Kat

Brightly Street

October Sales and Happenings at SNP

The leaves are starting to change in parts of the States, and the air is getting cooler.  It's October!  Fall is finally here!!  Let's check out what the designers at Scraps N' Pieces have been busy doing...

October Scraps N' Pieces Store Collab Kit - Every Day Heroes
Firefighters.  Police Officers.  Emergency Responders.  Every day, heroes are busy protecting our homes, streets, and lives.  We honor them this month with this bright and wonderful kit.
Grab the kit for just $7.99, the quick pages for $5.99, or go big with the bundle for $10.99.

October CU Grab Bag - Rickety Rack
For those designers that want something unique to add to their stash,, this is a fun pack of ric rac that is a little different from your everyday pieces of straight ric rac.  Grab it the first week while it is 35% off.

Bits N' Pieces
This month's Bits N Pieces theme is all about photography, scrapbooking, and capturing those precious memories!  The warm browns, blacks, and soft light blue is perfect for ANY layout.  Check out these amazing pieces the designers have for you.   
 Remember all pieces are just $1 the first week of the month!  After the first week, the designers may combine their products into a full-size kit and all will be at regular price, so don't wait.  Also, the first weekly challenge each month is dedicated to the month's Bits N' Pieces products.  Use them in a layout, post it and link to gallery, and earn some points.  It's a win win!!

Be sure to add the following speed scraps to your calendar, and join us in the forum and chat for a lot of fun.