Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Steampunk" Quick Page Freebies

Can you believe that this week is over half-way gone already? Wow, time goes by quickly when you are having fun and when you are busy as heck. LOL. I am so glad that you all have enjoyed our Steampunk collab. Today we have some fabulous quick pages for you, hope that you enjoy.

Layout by my creative team member Jennifer.

Some of my fabulous team members have put together some quick page freebies for you, click on their previews to head over to their blogs.

Here are Ashley's quick pages, aren't they marvelous? Click on her preview to head on over.

Click on my preview to download my freebie quick pages.


  1. These quick pages are so-o-o-o cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing this awesome kit and posting links to these great pages :) I think I snagged the last of the goodies - almost forgot!

  3. Thank you so much. This kit is fantastic.
