Monday, January 31, 2011

"Blooming Hearts" STS February Blog Train Freebie

The beginning of each new month always has me commenting on how fast the last month has gone. January wasn't an exception, it is hard to believe that February is here already. The 1st means it's time for the STS blog train. Here is my contribution and make sure to check out all the stops along the way and leave feedback if you have a minute, positive words keep me designing and offering you freebies. ;-)

All the stops:

Shel Belle Scraps
Luna Rosa's Scraps
The Scrappy Kat (you are here)
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Brianna's Scrapper
Long's Life & Loki
Scraps N Pieces
Brenian Designs
Sweet Creations
Scrappin Serenity
Seal Scraps
The Scrapping Sisters
AmyDane Designs
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Melissa's Scraps and More
Designs by Snowlady
Growing Pains Scrapped
Let Me Scrapbook!
Donna's Scraps Of Life
Adriana's Cafe
Memories by Digital Design
Flower Scraps
Jensen Motley Crew Designs

Friday, January 28, 2011

Speed Scrap Alert!!!

Look at the great quick page set that Colleen is offering as a participation prize!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blue Valentine Kit & lots of FREEBIES!!!

Today I have a new kit being released called Blue Valentine. I just love the vibrant colors of this kit and the blues in it make it perfect for scrapping tons of different layouts. One of the great things about my new kit is that Mommy Me Time Scrapper has came out with a matching kit today too. Both are on sale for $2.00, so you can get both kits for the regular price of one!

Here is my coordinating torn paper pack, on sale this week only for $1!

Here is Tammy's matching kit and she also have a set of glitter papers on sale for $1 this week too.

Now for some fabulous layouts from my creative team highlighting both kits.








And now freebie brag book pages from myself and my creative team. Click on the previews to head to their blogs and snag them. (if they aren't posted yet, just check back again)

Here is a freebie page made by my CT Beth, I'm hosting it here for her on my blog.
And here is the freebie page made by yours truly. :-) Thanks and leave love if you have time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Creative Team Call!!!

Thanks to those that applied, my CT Call is now closed!
Do you like my kits and want them all for free? Are you a talented scrapper looking to be a part of a super fun Creative Team & digi-scrapping community? If you answered yes, then apply to be a member of my team!


•2 layouts OR 1 layout & 1 Quick Page for each kit
•Average 2 kits per month (sometimes 3)
•Post your layouts on your blog, STS gallery, & 2 other galleries of your choice
•Enable a product a minimum of 1 time a month
•Be active in the STS forum & post about misc. STS events on your blog

If interested, please email a short bio along with the links to your most complete layout gallery & blog to:

Call will stay open until all positions are filled.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's $2 Tuesday at STS!!!

I have two kits making their first appearance in the $2 bin today.

Beep, Beep, get out of my way! Road Work is the perfect kit for scrapping your little boy's playtime adventures or even your family travel photos. This kit is filled 40 fun elements(not all shown in preview) and 12 papers.

In the spirit of the beginning of Spring, In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb will be perfect for scrapping all kinds of photos. It's full of clouds, rain, sun, snow; you name it! The kit contains 14 papers, 36 elements, & 1 upper alpha. My kits are S4H friendly too!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Speed Scrap Coming Up at Stuff to Scrap

Designs by Christi is hosting a Speed Scrap on Tuesday, Jan. 18th. Please come join us! 

 Here is the participation prize! See you there!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gettin' Scrappy with Britt Speed Scrap at STS Today!!!

If you have some spare time to have some fun this afternoon, head over to the STS forum and participate in the speed scrap hosted by Gettin' Scrappy with Britt!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"New to Scrapping" Speed Scrap

Don't miss the Speed Scrap tomorrow night over at STS. This one will be an extra easy "new to speed scraps" speed scrap. :-)
Here is the great participation prize.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Speed Scrap Saturday

Don't miss the speed scrap over at STS tomorrow!

Here is the great prize that Tracy is giving away for participating.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Win 3 STS Mega Collabs!

That's right, you can win ANY 3 STS Designer Mega Collabs!

Creative Busy Hands blog is 2 years old and they are doing some giveaways... and Stuff To Scrap is a sponsor of one of the giveaways.

Check out the blog HERE for more information on how you can win. Good luck!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Be the Next STS Designer Darling!

We are now holding sign-ups for the next Designer Darling Competition. If you think you have what it takes to be a Stuff to Scrap designer sign-up now! Not only will the competition be fun, but designers experienced and new will all learn new tips and techniques (you'll also get goodies each week to add to your CU stash). Click here to sign-up or visit the forum to find out more.