Monday, January 31, 2011

"Blooming Hearts" STS February Blog Train Freebie

The beginning of each new month always has me commenting on how fast the last month has gone. January wasn't an exception, it is hard to believe that February is here already. The 1st means it's time for the STS blog train. Here is my contribution and make sure to check out all the stops along the way and leave feedback if you have a minute, positive words keep me designing and offering you freebies. ;-)

All the stops:

Shel Belle Scraps
Luna Rosa's Scraps
The Scrappy Kat (you are here)
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Brianna's Scrapper
Long's Life & Loki
Scraps N Pieces
Brenian Designs
Sweet Creations
Scrappin Serenity
Seal Scraps
The Scrapping Sisters
AmyDane Designs
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Melissa's Scraps and More
Designs by Snowlady
Growing Pains Scrapped
Let Me Scrapbook!
Donna's Scraps Of Life
Adriana's Cafe
Memories by Digital Design
Flower Scraps
Jensen Motley Crew Designs


  1. this is awesome..I love the color palette..thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you so much for your part of the blog train! It's great! And thanks for quick download!

  3. Wonderful kit, thanks, great blog train.

  4. Thank you! I love the colors for this! No bright pinks! lol

  5. thank you so much for sharing =)

  6. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 1 post on Feb. 01, 2011. Thanks again.

  7. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 1 post on Feb. 01, 2011. Thanks again.

  8. This is a wonderful kit. Thanks so much for participating!

  9. Many thanks for sharing your beautiful kit.

  10. Thank you. I like the whimscal birds.

  11. Thank you for this freebie.
    I've shared it on my blog here:


  12. beautiful. thank-you.

  13. Love the negative-like multi frame and the kiss paper. Thanks!

  14. Thank you for being part of this blogtrain! Love the colors that aren’t the usual red and white which normally are used to symbolize Valentines and love. I appreciate your generosity and appreciate that you have shared yoru talents with us!
