Monday, February 28, 2011

March Stuff To Scrap Blog Train, Choo, Choo!!!

It's March 1st and once again time for the monthly Stuff to Scrap forum blog train. This month's theme is "March of the Animals." Growing up on a farm, I had to make sure that cattle & horses were adequately represented in the train. ;-) Hope you like my contribution, if you do, please leave some love. Thanks and take care!

I've divided up the downloads into smaller folder sizes for you. Click on the links below to download them.

Make sure the check out all the stops along the way:

Today starts a huge retirement sale over at STS. Myself and several other designers have kits retiring and many are priced at $1.00.

Another fabulous Commercial Use Grab Bag by the designers at Stuff To Scrap. Packed full with 14 .png elements, 4 .psd elements, 1 set of styles, & 7 paper patterns/textures (come in varying formats including jpeg, png, & psd). You won't want to miss this collection of CU items, perfect for any designer.


  1. Thank you for your part in the train. It's awesome... :)

  2. Super cute stuff, Kat. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you! Not sure if anyone else had this issue, but the pattern papers and torn papers 3 wouldn't work for me...I'll come back later.

  4. Thanks for your part of the blog train.

  5. Love the kit, it was nice to get some different animals! I am also having a problem with the pattern papers and the torn papers 3. Thanks again.

  6. So cute!! Thanks so much! I too have had trouble with 4shared letting me download the files :( I will keep checking back.

  7. Wow! Love your cows and horses. Too cute! Thanks for representing the farm animals. :-)

  8. Very cute for my little "cowgirl" and the pictures from her Western party. Thanks for the freebie

  9. These are so cute. Is there a way that you can also include one big file? 4Shared takes forever to download a blogtrain. Thanks so much for your help.

  10. Thanks for the kind comments, glad that you like my contribution. Keep trying to download from 4shared, I've checked all the files and they are fine, it may just be that their server is overwhelmed right now.


  11. Very awesome kit. Love that you went with farm animals. All the papers are awesome. Thanks!

  12. Thanks so much for the GENEROUS portion of this train. I love the farm animals and the torn papers are so fun.

  13. Thank you so much for your generous kit! Blessings!

  14. Was able to download the elements and they are great. Could not get either the pattern or solid papers as 4 shared says they are invalid. Tried 2 different browsers. Do not want the torn even though they are lovely as those types are just too big. Will try back later for the other papers. Just don't have much use for 4 shared anymore. However, your work is super and this is not a criticism of you.

  15. superbe!!! merci pour le partage :))

  16. Cute, but some of the files aren't working...

  17. Got lots of invalid files but I found out that I only need to refresh the page a couple of times or click on the link again to make it load. Same with comments. I think 4sh... is trying to scare away the few remaining users...

    But, got them all in the end and they are really worth it!
    Thank you ♥♥♥

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Ik want to download the elements and torn papers, but i get only the text: The file link that you requested is not valid

  20. Thank you so much for sharing with us! Like others, I can't download the patterned papers, but from the other downloads, I am in heaven! I just took pics of some horses so your gift to us if perfect!

  21. I'm taking part of my last comment back! It must be the Luck O' the Irish right now, because the patterned paper download just worked for me!

  22. Oh yay! They work now. Thank you! :D

  23. Thank you for this freebie. I highlighted it on my blog today.

  24. Thank you for the freebie. I highlighted it on my blog today.

  25. Thank :) :) :) :) :)
