Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Stuff to Scrap needs QCers!

We are growing by leaps and bounds, we need your help in our Top Notch Quality Control Team.
We are expanding our existing Quality Control Team at Stuff To Scrap. 

We are looking for detail-oriented digital scrapbookers who are interested
in reviewing designer products against a checklist and reporting their
findings to the designer. 

If you are:  Detail Oriented
                  Self Starter 
                  Able to work unsupervised
                  Honest and Dependable
Experience is not necessary, but appreciated. We will train all applicants 
with Stuff To Scrap standards.  You will be given a test product to 
assess your skills.
In exchange for your time, QCers get a free copy of all products you
review for your personal use  

Please email with a paragraph explaining why you
want to be on the team, a list of your other involvement in the digital
scrapbooking community (moderator, teams, etc.,) your username at our
 site, and a little about yourself. 

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