Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Speed Scrap Layout

Okay, so I attended my first Speed Scrap last night over at Stuff to Scrap. It was such a blast. Here is the overview of how it "went down."

At the top of the hour we'll post an instruction. Then every 10 minutes after we'll post another step. At the end of the hour all 7 steps will have been made and you'll have 1 additional hour to complete your layout, upload to the gallery (link to the left next of the home button) and then post your link back in this thread with a link to your gallery.

Step 1: Take a picture of yourself right now, with your digital camera, don't pretty yourself up, don't look in the mirror to see what you look like, just snap it, and then upload it to your computer. You can take up to 3 pictures of yourself, no deleting them!

(if you don't have a working camera you may find 1 picture to scan, or one picture you already have on your computer to use. This is ONLY if your camera is not working.)

Step 2: Find 3 papers, 2 solid 1 patterened. Solid will be your main background paper. The other solid will be the mat for your picture(s), and the patterned paper can be used however you like.

Step 3: You may choose any 1 of those 3 pictures to use. Only 1! We are going to be quartering the photo to create a visual sensation of observing a scene through a window. Cut your main photo into quarters and mat with the other solid paper. Works best as a 6.5x6.5 sized picture. Center on your page.

Step 4: Take this time to catch up on the above 3 steps. I know you need too! lol.

Step 5: Add whatever embellishments you feel are needed to make your page looks it's best. Try to keep it simple though. We are telling a story with our quartered picture.

Step 6: Add drop shadows and make your page look pretty. Catch up on any of the above steps. Use a different direction on your drop shadow than what you normally would use.

Step 7: Give your page a 1 word title and then journal and date. However, your journaling needs to be about you speed scrapping. What do you think about yourself in your picture, all ready to do a speed scrap. What goes through your mind. Journal that!

And here is the page that I came up with. My first thought was OMG I am already in my pajamas, I mean it did start at 9:30 Eastern. I went ahead and took a goofy picture of me waving and it actually turned out to work pretty good with the rest of the directions. Anyway, I plan to attend the next one if I can, as it was a blast!


Credits for the page are It's My Life Papers by Scrap U and Circle Stitch by Scrappy Cocoa from her Hello Easter kit.

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