Friday, April 30, 2010

May STS Blog Train Freebie

It's that time again, time for the STS forum blog train. If you are interested in taking part in the June train, stop on by the STS forum and find out how. Next month the theme is Summer Romance. This month's theme is Because I Said So in honor of Mother's Day. If you are a mother, I guarantee you have said that at least once. LOL. Click on my preview to grab my portion of the train.

Here are all the stops along the way.

Scrapalicious Cereal
Christin's Creations
Becky (SAHM Scrapper)
Scraps N Pieces - Lori
Shel Belle Scraps
Digital Scrap Fun
The Scrapping Sisters
Digi-designs by Nicole
B2N2 Scraps
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Grandmas Templates
Megan Poulton Designs
Luna Rosa's Scraps
Tricia's Treasures
Melissa's Scraps and More
The Scrappy Kat
Pretty Pixel Designs
Ányi + a digitális scrapbooking
Just For Fun
Adriana's Cafe
Where The Heart Is
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Scrappin' Serenity
Jensen Motley Crew Designs
Let Me Scrapbook!
Sheri's Scraps
Manda's Scrappin' Creations
Milly Dee
Flower Scraps
A Fish Design

Speed Scrap at STS Today

Don't miss the Speed Scrap tonight at STS, they are always a super fun time! I always get way more chatting done than scrapping. LOL
Look at the super cute participation prize by Shel Belle Scraps. I just love the colors!

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Sunrise, Sunset" Mini Kit Freebie

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I have a mini kit freebie for you that I did as part of this month's color challenge over at Stuff To Scrap. Click on my preview to go snag my mini and head over to the STS forum to find some other great minis to download too.

Remember CraftCrave for other great craft freebies and tutorials.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

{my Life} Challenge at Stuff to Scrap

Good news on the My Life challenge at Stuff to Scrap, you can now earn points towards your gift cards at the store. Click here to see what the weekly prompt is this week and then join us each week for a new one. Plus, and this is the best part, this is the only challenge that gets hosted by YOU our forum members, so just click here to let us know you want to be in charge for a week. It is really easy, you don't even have to track the points because that will be done for you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

"A Mother's Love" Collab Kit

Gettin' Scrappy with Britt & SAHM Scrapper have teamed up for this really great Mother's Day themed collab kit called A Mother's Love. The colors are just great for scrapping all kinds of photos, whether mother themed or not.

They are also selling this great brag book album that would make a great gift. Both the kit and brag book pages are 25% off this week as well. Make sure to hit their blogs too, as I think that they both have freebies for you.

Here is a layout that I created of my son showing off his shades.

Tutorial: How to Use a Quick Page with Overlapping Photos

When I first started digital scrapbooking I was a huge fan of quick pages, actually, I still am! The times that I am the most busy are the times that I have the most photos that need scrapbooking, like Christmastime for example. Quick pages are a quick & easy solution to scrapping a bunch of photos in a short amount of time. Quick pages, sometimes just called QPs, are simply predesigned scrapbook pages that have a transparent box or frame for you to add your own photos beneath. All you have to do is add a title and a little journaling if you wish and you are done.

Using a quick page with one photo box is easy enough, but what do you do when there are overlapping photo boxes in the quick page and your photos aren't the right size? I thought I would put a little tutorial together for you on how to easily crop your photos and create a great layout using a quick page. This tutorial is written in Photoshop Elements, but can easily be followed if you are a Photoshop or GIMP user as well. The quick page that I used in this tutorial can be picked up on my blog for free here, so you can actually create your own layout from the quick page as you follow along.

Step 1: Open the quick page & photos you plan to use in Photoshop Elements.

Step 2: Select your first photo and copy and paste it into your quick page. Double click on the photo you want to use first in your file bin at the bottom of your screen, then simply press ctrl+A followed by ctrl+C. Once your photo is copied to your clipboard, double click on your quick page in the file bin and hit ctrl+V to paste your photo.

Step 3: Resize & Crop each photo layer as you add it to your quick page. First move your photo layer below your quick page layer by simply clicking and dragging the photo below the quick page layer in your Layer dialog box. Next select your move tool at the top of your tool box, we will use this to resize the photo and move it around. Click and drag your photo until it is under the photo box that you want to use. If you need to resize your photo, click on one of the upper corners and simply drag the cursor inward to reduce the size of your photo. Once it is the size you would like, click on the green arrow in the bottom corner. You may also use this same technique to angle your photo by clicking on the side of your photo and dragging in a circular motion around the photo.

Step 4: Get rid of overlapping photo edges. As you will see, some of my photo is overlapping into the other photo boxes. Make sure that your quick page is selected in the photo Layer dialogue and select your magic wand tool in your tool box. Click inside your current photo box and then go up to your menu bar and go to Select - Modify - Expand. Depending on your frame size, you will want to select an amount of pixels that will bring your photo's edges just to the outside edges of your photo box (we do this to ensure that there is no empty space between the photo & the frame). For this photo I will select 5 and then click okay. Now go to Select - Inverse. Now go to your Layers dialogue and select your photo layer (this is important to make sure that you are cutting away the edges of your photo and not your quick page) then to cut the extra part of your photo simply push ctrl+X. Viola, your extra photo edges are gone!

Step 5: Repeat step 2-4 for the remaining photos.

Step 6: Add title & journaling. Now is time for the personalization. You may add extra elements if you wish, or you may just simply add a title, date, or journaling. To add a title I make sure to select my top layer in my dialogue box and then over in my toolbox I click on my text tool. After selecting the text tool you may choose the font, font size, & color you wish to use. You may also choose whether you want your text to be centered or right or left justified. Then click on your quick page where you want your title to be and simply type in your title/journaling. Once you are done typing you can use your mouse to select your text layer and move it around until you have the positioning just right. You may make separate layers for your text so that you can independently move and resize them by simply clicking on a different area of your quick page while you have your text tool selected.

Step 7: Add drop shadowing to your text &/or additional elements. To make your page look more realistic and layered we add drop shadows to each layer. In your Effects dialogue box choose Layer Styles and from the dropdown menu select Drop Shadows. Select the upper most right drop shadow style and then apply that style to each text layer by selecting that layer in the layer dialogue box and then clicking on apply in the Effects dialogue box. Depending on the size of your text and the darkness of your background you may need to adjust the size of the drop shadow to give it a less harsh and more realistic appearance. Simply double click on the fx beside each text layer in the Layer dialogue box and you will be able to adjust your style settings. For this page I changed the settings to Size 8 - Distance 8 - Opacity 40.

Step 8: Merge & save. You are almost there, now all you have to do is merge and save your page. In your layers dialogue, select the quick page layer and right click on it. Choose Merge Visible. You will now have one layer that you will want to save as a JPEG file. To save simply type ctrl+s or choose File - Save on the top menu.You will want to change the format to JPEG and type in the file name that you choose to name your page and then click Save. You will then be asked for the JPEG options that you wish to save at. For nice print quality you will want to save at a quality of 10 or above and you can choose Baseline Optimized, as this will help compress the file and reduce the size it takes up on your computer.

That is it, you are finished! Here is my finished quick page layout.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Steampunk" Add-on & a Freebie!

Were you a fan of my Steampunk collab a few months ago with Seal Scraps? If so, we have something you might be interested in. We both loved making the kit so much that we thought we would both do a little add-on to go with the original kits. Below is the preview of my add-on which contains 6 papers & 15 elements.

The full-size kits are 30% off this week too, just in case you missed them the first time around.

What do you get when you add steam power, Victorian era England, and a little bit of fiction? Steampunk! This kit contains 15 papers, 44 elements (including gears, old watches & clocks, a hot air balloon, & more), & 1 old typewriter alpha.

A layout by my creative team member Amy using both the full-size kit & add-on.

A layout by my creative team member Kendra using both the full-size kit & add-on.

To get a little taste of what both the add-on & full kit are like I created an extra fun paper and 4 elements for you to snag as a gift. Click my preview to go download.

Here is Ashley's full-size kit, 30% off this week also.

Ashley's add-on.

Ashley is also going to have a little freebie sampler for you from her add-on too.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Le Petit Poodle" Freebie Quick Pages & Brag Book Pages

It's the last day of the Le Petit Poodle collab kit freebies. Today all three designers and their creative teams have quick page and/or brag book page freebies for you. Click on the previews below to go snag the pages from my CTMs and make sure to visit both Ashley's blog & Jennifer's blog to find the links to their CTMs pages. Thanks and I am really glad that you have all enjoyed the kit this week!

QP by Caits
I have both a 12x12 quick page for you and 2 brag book pages for you. Click on my preview to go download it from 4shared. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Le Petit Poodle" Day 3 Freebie Alpha

It's day 3 of the Le Petit Poodle collab freebie. Remember, today you get the alphas and on Thursday you can stop by to get a whole bunch of quick pages and brag book pages from the designers and their creative team members.

Here is a brag book page that I made of Tammy's dog Nicki & daugther Alayna.

Layout by my CTM Beth.


Monday, April 12, 2010

"Le Petit Poodle" Freebie Kit Day 2

It's day 2 of Le Petit Poodle. I am so glad to hear that you are liking it. Remember, today you get the elements, then tomorrow the alphas, and on Thursday you can stop by to get a whole bunch of quick pages and brag book pages from the designers and their creative team members.

Speaking of creative team members, here are some more great layouts from mine using all three kits.

Layout by Caits
Layout by Amy
Layout by Kendra
Layout by Becky