Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Who Built the ARK?" Collab kit & Add-on Freebie

Who built the Ark? is a 2-part collab by myself & Mommy Me Time Scrapper. This kit is perfect for Sunday school, bible school, or church layouts. It's also a great option for nursery & baby pages, plus you can use all the animals to create layouts of your pets or those trips to the zoo. There are so many possibilities with 2 alphas, 93 elements, 26 papers, and 6 word art in this mega kit, you’re sure to get a lot of use out of it.

Tammy & I both decided to do little add-on freebies for you so that you could get a sample of what the entire kit is like. Click on my preview to go download my freebie and visit Tammy's blog to find out about getting hers.