Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Le Petit Poodle" Freebie Quick Pages & Brag Book Pages

It's the last day of the Le Petit Poodle collab kit freebies. Today all three designers and their creative teams have quick page and/or brag book page freebies for you. Click on the previews below to go snag the pages from my CTMs and make sure to visit both Ashley's blog & Jennifer's blog to find the links to their CTMs pages. Thanks and I am really glad that you have all enjoyed the kit this week!

QP by Caits
I have both a 12x12 quick page for you and 2 brag book pages for you. Click on my preview to go download it from 4shared. Thanks!


  1. thank you so much for these awesome pages!

  2. Love your QP and BB pages! Thank you for sharing! :-)
