Thursday, June 30, 2011

At The Park STS Blog Train Freebie

It's once again time for the monthly Stuff to Scrap blog train. This month's theme is At The Park. If you would like more information about participating next month, visit the Stuff to Scrap forum to find out how. My inspiration was nature that you find at the park, like a little pond. Hope you like it, if you do, please take a minute to leave a comment below. Your positive comments give me the incentive to keep designing and offering freebies. :-)

Make sure to check out all the stops along the way!
Visit the STS blog for a full list of the train participants.


  1. Thank you so much for this adorable addition to the blog train! :)

  2. Love your designs!Way to go!Thank you so much! =)

  3. Thanks for your part of a great blog train.

  4. Thank you! Cute kit, love the frogs!

  5. Katina, Thanks for the cute kit, love the frogs!!

  6. Love the frog. Thanks so much!

  7. Thank you for the freebie - my kids love to catch frogs, so we have many pictures perfect for this!
