Thursday, June 2, 2011

Boys' Night June Build A Kit Collection & A Freebie

Each month the designers at Stuff to Scrap use the same palette and theme to create what we call the Build A Kit collection. You get to pick your favorite coordinating packs and build yourself a kit. The theme this month was slumber parties. I was inspired by teen boy slumber parties and how they usually consist of snacks, movies, and VIDEO GAMES! My collection is called Boys' Night and it consists of a paper pack, an element pack, and a brag book set. One of the best parts is if you use the coupon code listed at the bottom of the post, you can get each part for only $1 each if you buy 3 or more of any BAK collection. That means you are free to mix and match one designer's part with another to get exactly the kit that you want.
Fabulous layouts created by my creative team members.
A little quick page freebie for you can be found in my store by clicking the preview below.

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